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Kamurar Maasai

Kamurar masaai is the definition of a true griot. His music is not just music - most of his bangers are stories; beautifully woven historical pieces derived from true and factual events that happened in Maasailand.

He has a way with his words - the selection of phrases and sayings accompanying these musical hits that he drops so consistently is apt yet so intriguing. Art in all it's magnificence. His most recent song 'Iseuri Looltaikan' is a musical rendition narrating the peculiar characteristics associated with men of the 'Iseuri' Age group.

Well, before missionaries and Britain introduced 'western education' the Maasai speaking communities had a stable and well formed education system in the 'Moranhood' system that goes back to time immemorial. The Iseuri are currently arguably the Oldest living Maa age group with very few remaining 'Ilnyankusi' - the preceeding Age Set. Their Moranhood period dates between 1955 - 1974, putting their age bracket at 79-100years of age for the youngest and oldest in approximation. My maternal grandfather is of this particular age set.

Through the 'Olpiron' hierachial system, are the sponsors of the 'Irkishili/Irkisaruni/Ilmejooli' age set that my father belongs to and hence the 'grandfather' age group for the 'Ilmirisho' age set, currently the ones in moranhood. This age Set's life in moranhood was pure turmoil seeing that it was mainly during their time that western education started penetrating Maasai country. They were the transition period for the community from pure maa system to the confusion that ensued.

Back to Kamurar

Through his music, he is passing down our history bit by bit and I just love how beautifully he does so. We sat down with him and Olomayiana Gary Wright (who in this right is an 'Oseuri' himself) a couple of days ago and had an amazing conversation.

NB. Age Set Names here are according to the Purko - Maasai section and could be different from other sections.

Article By; Maison Ole Nkurrunah

Founder, Lead Volunteer at Maasai Cultural Resource Center